Come to our store or call (248) 647-0135


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Patrick Vargo


725 South Adams Suite L-85 Birmingham, MI 48009 voice 248 647-0135 fax 248 647-0136


  • Specializing in fine bindings, sets and modern first editions. 
  • We also offer fine library installations for home or office.

    Our store hours are 11:00 am-3:30 pm, Monday through Friday (EST), 10:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday. 

    The store is located at 725 South Adams, Suite L-85 Birmingham, MI 48009

          Please, Click here to contact Patrick Vargo for information on library installations.

725 South Adams Suite L-85 Birmingham, MI 48009 voice 248 647-0135 fax 248 647-0136

Page last updated on  11/20/00 10:01:23 AM